Third party plugins continued

Pro Production Masterclass | Logic Pro X | Julian Hinton (Stormzy, Rod Stewart, Seal, The RPO, Laura Welsh, Trevor Horn, Don Black...)

Here we go. We’ll jump straight into  learning. Hang on a second. Share screen.  There we go. So  I have got a, a  delay on my voice. I can hear myself  just after I speak, which is very annoying. And I’ve talked about this. I’m sure we’ve talked about this before, but if I go to preferences, which I’ve got open here, an audio, which I go, which I go here,  this is the problem here, this little chap here in our, in our buffer size,  this is at the highest it can go,  which is perfect for playing large samples, big pianos, strings, programming, drums, you know, that eat up a lot of memory on the computer.

I’m gonna drop it down to 128,  which will mean that  I should still be able to play instruments fine on this computer. Um, but I won’t hear so much of myself, latent, latent coming back at myself.

So I’m gonna hit apply. It’s gonna go a bit quiet for a second.  You’re gonna get a spoony ball, and I’m back.  Okay? And that is,  I’ve still, it still sounds a little bit unnatural,  so you wouldn’t want this with a singer, with a singer, if you’re tracking a singer, you, you want to go down as low as possible to 32.  But this is, this isn’t nearly as noticeable as it was at 1024.

I’ve got lots of more things to tell you about, talk to you about today, including company, company, isotope. Um, a few things about instruments you might wanna get. Um, some brass sounds, string sounds, piano sounds, also some more effects and things like that.

I think the last time we left off, I know the last time we left off, we were talking about isotope, weren’t we? And various mastering things. Um, and there were a couple of things that I just wanted to  remind you or go back into with that.  So

we’ve got lots and lots of presets here. Um, under the, in the folder here, all purpose mastering.

we’ve got genre specific mastering. That’s another, that’s another one here. Disco, country, pop, electronic, you know, they’re all broad brushstroke things that may or may not work. I mean, your ears are, you know, in terms of using any of these presets,  your ears are gonna be the thing which  will, determine which one you think sounds better and is more representative of, where you want the track to be heading to.

You’ve also got some useful things here, instruments and buses, for instance. Here are some settings which you can put on instruments, acoustic guitar, bass, bass guitar, bright vocals,  dsr, excited drums,  drbus space. You know, there’s lots of things to play around with in there. Um, so again, it’s sort of pretty,  oh,  Philip says Native instruments are offering a free isotope down.

I think tonight  Isotope remembers the company, so they make lots and lots of things. Um, and this is one of their products, ozone, okay?  Which is the sort of mastering  mixing type plugin.  There’s another thing which is very, very useful, which is this here, master assistant.  And if we click on that,  it’s just, it will listen to your track  and, analyze it basically in terms of whether you want it to sound modern or more vintage, loudness.

Whether you want it super, super loud or not so loud or a bit low, whatever it might be. You can also load a reference track in  which hopefully you will be using. Encourage, encourage, encourage you to use as many to your reference track. So load a reference track in terms of the kind of sonic impact you want it to, want it to be. It could be Bob Dylan, it could be Dua Lipa, doesn’t really matter.

It’s the, the kind of sound that you’re going for. Um, streaming or cd  streaming really, I think I, I would imagine is the, is the most normal one because it’d be a little bit louder. Press next and it will. And then as, as it says, you play the loudest part of your track  and it would analyse that compared to your reference track or, or, or not reference track if you don’t have one. Um, and then apply  some mastering,  which having used it a little bit  is arbitrarily better  than is a great starting point.

So that I found very, very helpful.  So that’s an overview of Isotope Ozone, which is a one-stop shop for many mastering things, but certainly is a a A a  creates a lot of impact, when you are  in the early stages of making a track, to be honest. Um, right now.

Then, so we, we talk about, we talked about endless smile and sausage fater before, didn’t we  Love that, love that plugin.  Just make sure that when you’re using this one,  as you turn it up, it’s gonna get louder.  So a good little, I’ll just show a little, a little trick  to make sure that it’s not distorting completely. You wanna look at your output gain here.  Let’s just have, play a little bit of this, a little bit of this track  so it’s not too loud.

 So as you turn, sorry guys, turn this on. You turn the, the, the sausage up, the factless, you’ll hear the cut, hear it change, but also to a degree, hear it getting louder. I,  So  you might wanna know that if that, you might want to notice that you, you hear the level, you see the level here.

 You’ve got your game here, okay?  So what you’re sort of aiming for is that as you use this button here to turn it on and off,  you can often just listen to where you were and where you are, and you don’t wanna overload it too  much.

 So basically what you can do is you can hear the effect only because as things get louder, they automatically sound better to the human ear until it gets distorted and then it’s not gonna sound great. But you just wanna know that what you’re using is adding, the right amount of goodness, right amount of,  of good stuff to it without it just making it louder and therefore sound better.

 So by turning the plugin on and off here  and adjusting the gain here, often with a plugin, you can understand the effect that it’s having on the track without it just being louder.  So I’ve got this to this level here where I’ve turned the, the where the, the, the fatness is up 73%.

So, so the plugin is doing a lot,  but it’s not necessarily any louder, particularly than it was ’cause I’ve turned it, the plugin, what the plugin is doing down.  So now what, as I click the plugin on and off here, using the power button  on the interface, you’ll hear not the track necessarily getting louder and therefore sounding better. You’ll hear what the plugin is doing in terms of, its here, its color and its fatness  Plugin  off, Plugin on.

 So you can hear that In this particular case it just, that does exactly what it says on the tin. It just sounds fatter, broader, got more, more, more width and depth to it really.

And you can use that with any effects plugin just to understand exactly what the plugin is doing, rather than just slapping things on willy-nilly.  So, just one thing I wanted to  mention. Remember, of course you’ve got the power button on the left of all these plugins as well. We can take it off there as well without having to open up the, interface. Um, now then, what was the next thing I wanted to talk to you about? Oh yes, a a cheeky little plugin, called …


Third part plugins for creating music, How to take a production to the next level, Manipulate virtual sounds and instruments, Sound packs and sound libraries. Professional production, mixing, mastering. Create songs like a pro, Expert advice for DAW users: Logic Pro X, FL Studio, GarageBand, PreSonus, Apple, Cubase, Native instruments, Kontakt, Big Fish Audio, Waves, Toontrack Music, MIDI packs, Expansion packs, EQ vocals and instruments, Equaliser, Compression, Timing, Tone, Tempo, Timbre, Dynamics, Automation, Side chaining, Distortion, Sparkle, Echo, Reverb, Universal Audio, Soundtoys, Arcade, Spitfire, Splice, Sound banks ….

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