Now to do this properly, to write for the web properly, you need to think about who’s the main audience for your website. Now, you can have more than one, but let me give you an example When it comes to your bio. Now, everyone should have a bio on their website. This, to me, is like number one. Either you have something called about in your navigation menu or, or bio. but when, when you write your bio, you gotta think about who are you writing it for, who’s that main audience that you can have, as I mentioned, more than one audience.
But for me, my recommendation is you should write your bio thinking about media or bloggers. And what I’m showing here, Kay Cater, or Ra I hope I’m pronouncing her name properly, is a really well designed bio that targets a media. And this could be music journalists, it could be bloggers, and think of it this way. So what she’s obviously doing here is she’s giving, the media very quick snippets of information.
And so let’s just, you know, unpack this for a second. So yeah, you have the bio on the left, but look what’s happening on the right. Some very short quotes. there’s press photos. This bio is written for the media. So what you want to do, and I I’ve worked a lot with media, you gotta put yourself in their shoes. What, what they want. Well, first of all, put yourself in your audience issues all the time when you’re thinking of writing for the web. But when it comes to the media, they’re, they’re under pressure.
They, they have a, oops, sorry. They have a, a deadline to respect and they want information quickly. So the first thing they’ll do if they want to get your bio is yes, they might check your Facebook page, they might go on Instagram, but you’re, you’re not gonna get a full bio there. You’re gonna go to your website. So the second thing is they do want some quotes. They do want some pictures to put in the article. This is the same for bloggers, anyone. And my recommendation is if you’re gonna write a bio, write it for the media. Your fans will still get an idea of who you are by reading it.
But it’s great to put press photos. It’s great to put these quotes so that media can quickly use them and they can quickly write about you.
Dan uses a great example of a biography, from artist Kaia Kater’s website. She uses a reasonably long bio but also a short bio below, with great press release photos, making it easy for bloggers to share her info.
How to advertise as a band / solo artist / producer / musician, Brand marketing and design, Advice on how to write a bio, Website content for music, Do I need a website for my songs? Best music business advice, Expert advice on website branding and growing a following, Press Release, Radio and Bloggers, Music industry image and presentation, Social media content, Short concise or long biography,