I’m gonna be kicking off with the first tip Which is less is more. Â
How many projects do you have on the go at the moment  whether it’s house projects, whether it’s music projects,  you know, it could be life projects or whatever, but it’s like when you really think about how many products have you got projects? Have you got on at the moment?  Yeah type in the comment. Let me know because every time I speak to people in in the sessions that I got so many projects on.
 Like Terrell saying too many  Chris. Chris has got a lot. There’s a lot of zeros there going on. um It’s not including hot including solo staff will say Lisa’s got 11. wow, Lisa Brian is saying infinite. Danny saying about 10 Â
 Yeah, everyone saying I’ve lost count right? So here’s the thing and here with some tips.  Right. And the first one is I  want for you to know that less is more.  And actually sometimes we just need to think about how we can strip back.  What we’re actually  doing in our lives on maybe the projects, but just how we can strip back on our weekly schedule,  right and sometimes that can feel as  though.
It’s  it’s it’s the wrong thing to do,  but actually  when you could get more focused on and prioritize the things that are going to help you to move the needle. you’re going to start to build more momentum. Okay, and so  we have to stop cramming so many things into the schedule and it really is about creating a schedule a weekly schedule where you are taking  moments out taking things out so that you are building a fort around your creativity and around your creative flow, which is going to allow your success to rise.
So I use this analogy quite a lot in the TSA sessions that I have the people but it’s almost like  when you bake bread, right?
 I’ve never baked bread by the way, but you know when I see on TV, but when you see read  right and the whole process, what do they do  they leave on the side?  to rise  Yet they said it still they give it space it pauses.
 And  what happens it grows? It steps into its potential  right? And so  we can start to think about our creative process in a similar way. Sometimes we have to put things to one side.  Allow yourself  to come back go away reflect and come back right so that you can come back stronger smarter  and actually have a better.
sense a bit of grasp on you know what you’re creating.
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