Tea Break Tip: Backing vocals

Pro Songwriting Masterclass | Yvonne Ambrée (German lead vocalist Disney Encanto, The Voice - vocal coach, Sleigh Bells, Ann Sexton, Gwen McCrae ...)

My platinum tip would be just be creative and try out new ideas and techniques. I’ve tried so much backing vocals, I have so much fun with it. It’s one of my favourite things to do, to be really honest. because you can,  you can really  get so much out of your vocals  and add a, add that onto your track. Or even if you have a friend who’s a great singer, you know, and you think, oh, maybe my track would really benefit from like a male vocal as well. You know,  ask your friend and then, you know,  even maybe try to sing some stuff together into Mike.

You know, like all of these things. there’s, there’s something very unique about the voice in general, that you cannot create, with any instrument. And not saying that I love instruments, and I play instruments myself, but I’m just saying there’s something very, very powerful about voices and especially about harmonies.  

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