Social media essentials if you’re in the music business today

Pro Songwriting Masterclass | Jonathan Li (

 How I wanted to start off with you guys is, I wanna talk about, before we dive into the nitty gritty of social media, I want to add about three really big marketing, digital marketing principles.  These are things that  no matter how technology changes or how things go,  that they are important and they will kind of stay timeless. So I wanna give you guys these three principles that are really foundational elements that will help you no matter what happens in the digital social media market place, I guess, for lack of a better word.

So, I kind of named each one of the principles after a song because I’m among songwriters and I don’t always get the chance to do that. So it’s a little corny, but here we go. So, principle one, the times are changing. So  no doubt, right? Technology changes. Have you guys heard of Six Degrees, Friendster, WeChat, HaBO, those are all social networks that once existed, they were supposed to become the next big thing, or they were big for a little while and then they vanished.

 So what I’m trying to say is, social media networks will come and go. There will be a day maybe when TikTok doesn’t exist. There will be a day when Facebook maybe doesn’t exist. It’s very possible.  So that being said, though, analysis will roughly stay the same. There are gonna be key things that when you learn how to interpret numbers and data and things like that, that will stay roughly the same. So it’s important, I think, to find those foundational elements and, and I will explain them during this masterclass  about what you need to pay attention to,  more importantly.

And as an overarching thing, the thing that I find really important, because this, you know, you can go so many different ways with social media. You can do so many different things with it, and sometimes it can just feel like it’s overwhelming. raise your hands if you guys feel like social media and all that kinda stuff can be super overwhelming at times.  Exactly. So I wanna kind of distill down a method for you guys to figure that out.

So I wanna talk about something, the difference between goals, strategy, and tactics. It’s something that a lot of people don’t create the differentiation on. And when you don’t differentiate or you don’t know which is which, and you get confused, you can go all these different paths that end up wasting your time. So I wanna start by talking about that.  So I’m gonna use an example. So I’m Canadian. there is an artist named Lights, if you know who she is, raise your hand.

she is a Canadian, electronic artist. and I’ve had a few friends that have worked with her, but she …..

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