Cool. Why don’t you show us the one sheet while you’re on there. so John was talking about a one sheet earlier, and he just happens to have, Joe Ellington’s one sheet. Now one sheet. well tell, tell the lovely people what a one sheet is. Okay. And when you use it, yeah. As a publisher, I’ve gotta say you, one of my, one of my real, one of the things I hate, when I get stuff in is you get an email with a couple of tracks on, and then you get another email with a, with a bio gone, then you get one with a photograph on. So when I first started at Notting Hill, I said, look, we need, we need a way, it’s like an EPK, it’s, we need a way of, of presenting yourself to a publisher.
And I thought, you know what? Let’s do something like this, which is called a one sheet. So basically, it, it is what it is. It’s, it’s a one sheet. So this is, I know we keep talking about Joe, but I’m his agent as well. No, I’m not really. So, so this is Joe’s. It’s got a little bit of a bio. It’s told you who he’s worked with, achy, you know, me and all the rest of it. But more importantly, at the bottom there, you’ve got a link that you could link straight through to the songs on Spotify or wherever you’ve got them.
So then an a and r guy can literally just have a listen on there without having to navigate his way through a website that you’ve got or anything else. It’s on a one sheet. now I’ve always said to TSA, if you can’t do those one sheets yourself, we’ve got a guy, he’s at Notting Hill Music, but you can do them for you for a small cost of like 30, 40 pounds. But the beauty of that is you can change things on the one sheet, as you go on, and he will do them free of charge for the rest of your life, not you.
So I just think a one sheet is a, it’s the way I want to get stuff. I don’t wanna have to troll through your website or where’s the music, where’s the photograph? It’s all on the one sheet, and I think it’s very important to have one as well as those cards. Those two things are a great way to present yourself to other writers, publishers, record labels, whoever.