Message from Tony..
Message From Tony
I’ve been involved in music since I was a kid, either playing it, writing it, writing about it, talking about it, broadcasting, being on the look-out for it, directing it, teaching it, DJing it and more.
I’ve never felt I had to confine myself to one single part of the musical process any more than I feel I have to listen to only one style, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have had such a rich and fulfilling journey within the world of music and media. I am fascinated by the little things that make a big hit, and I love the challenge of finding new and interesting things to do within the familiar template of the three-minute song.
Whether it’s melody, lyrics, arrangement, production or instrumentation, I can help you take your ideas to the next level. I believe in following your passion, taking risks, and most of all, enjoying what you do. I also believe that two heads are better than one, that teaching and mentorship comes in many forms, and that collaboration is healthy.
In the words of just one memorable song title: Reach out, I’ll be there.